Reaching the Next Level of Business

Article by:
Ellie Byrd EO Atlanta
Ellie Byrd
EO Atlanta

As an EO member, you have access to numerous tools designed to help you learn and grow as an entrepreneur. EO Atlanta member Ellie Byrd (pictured) explains how Forum helped her achieve success in business, and why it’s such an invaluable benefit.

The Problem: I’ve never attended a business class in my life. My business was growing like a weed, and my lack of knowledge was hurting me. I was working brutally long hours, and I had no idea how to take my company to the next level.

The Solution: Little did I know that joining a Forum would arm me with several practical principles that I could apply to my business. For starters, I applied Forum’s conflict-resolution process to my staff so that they could resolve their problems more efficiently. I also learned the value of Gestalt Language Protocol. When my employees came to me with a problem, I was able to draw on my experiences and encourage them to develop their own solutions, rather than tell them what to do. This was a huge mind shift at my company. Over time, it led people to be independent thinkers, and it gave me the freedom and flexibility to spend less time at the office.

The Lessons: Joining EO and experiencing Forum has made a huge impact on how I run my business. Thanks to the communication and experience-sharing lessons I learned in Forum, I finally have more time to work on my business instead of in it. I spend less than 20 percent of my time at the office now, and the company runs better without me. Today, I’m a better boss and entrepreneur!

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