EO Member Spotlight

EO Member Spotlight
Ana Filipa Sancho Ramos Muñoz de Oliveira Coelho Borges


Member Since: 7 November 2019

. What profession did you want to have when you were a child? 

Pediatrician . Always had away with kids . 

. Do you have a nick name? What’s the story behind it? 

Not really. 

. Do you have a “Oh no!!!” moment you’d like to share with us? 

When we accidentally gave our 1 year old son the car keys for him to play and he locked himself in it ! we had to broke the window to take him out . 

. Who is your hero and how did he leave a mark on you? 

I would have to say my father. He has always been there for me , for us ( family) and it has been a great example for me on a lot of things, professionally and personally . I always learn a lot of things from him. I’m very lucky to have him so close.. 

. If you were given a genius in a lamp, what wishes would you ask for? 

Heathly and happy life for my family and loved ones, World Peace ( with all that comes with it) , no more climate related catastrophes. 

. If you could have a super power, what would you choose? 

Power of Healing. 

. Name two of your guilty pleasures. 

Binge watching Hallmark Christmas Movies ; Mcdonalds French Fries. 

. What’s THE dream? 

Professionally speaking I would love for WINK to be a well known and loved brand across IBERIA and Brazil .

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Alexandria, VA 22314
United States

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