
Hitting the Reset Button

Article by:

Elizabeth Showers
EO Fort Worth
Elizabeth Showers - EO Fort Worth

I have had my own jewelry line since my early 20s, when I quit my job to follow my passion. It wound up being one of the best decision​s of my life, launching a career that has supported me, introduced me to a wonderful cast of characters and stretched my brain in ways I never could have anticipated. Now, after almost 20 years in the business, I’ve decided to take a bold step and change everything. I’ve decided to hit the reset button by clearing out my inventory and taking a creative sabbatical to figure out what’s next.

My break from the business started with dissolving ties with my brick-and-mortar retailers. Once the lifeblood of my profession, selling in stores has changed so dramatically; it’s as if it has transformed into another type of business altogether. Many Octane readers will know what I mean: the increased competition; the customers’ prerogative to explore endless comparisons; the demands retailers place on you to ensure your inventory sells, all while existing under the unspoken threat of being replaced. And I’ve been one of the lucky ones!

While severing my brick-and-mortar ties proved challenging, the next steps were more difficult. Over the course of several months, I have rolled out massive sales on practically every piece of jewelry I’ve ever made. I knew that breaking with the past also meant getting rid of baggage I had been holding onto for too long, getting me back to the place where all I had was passion and a purpose. Now, several months later, that is just what I have done, and I’m looking back at all of it with perspective. In the spirit of 20/20 hindsight, here are some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned throughout my journey:

Do something with every single contact you get! I can’t tell you how many business cards I’ve let pile up without ever reaching out. Take action immediately when you meet someone. Send an email, set up a coffee date, send a “thank you” note, etc. My network would be so much larger if I had taken this advice earlier in my career.

In a non-threatening (and hopefully fun) way, shadow your employees to see how they do their jobs. When I’ve done this, I’ve discovered efficiency improvements that increased productivity by as much as 30-40%. Sometimes it’s as simple as getting a feel for how team members operate and spend their time, and then making subtle tweaks to their routines.

Establish a daily group huddle, even if it’s just for five minutes. I realize there’s a growing trend against meetings that distract employees without increasing output, but I’ve found that short huddles (instead of drawn-out meetings) can boost morale and serve as a reminder that everyone is on the same team, working toward common goals. Plus, it helps everyone—including myself—to get a daily check-in for the sake of accountability, and to introduce the potential for collaboration and fresh ideas.

Trust your gut first. It's important to reach out for help, but it's even more important to trust yourself. I’ve spent close to a million dollars on consultants over the years. Many of them I hired just to validate what I already knew. Most of that time, I could have just listened to myself.

Tune in to your financials weekly, if not daily. An intimate understanding of the bottom line clarifies every decision you make. It can be tempting to be a people-pleaser to the detriment of your financial health; for instance, offering raises you can’t afford or scrambling to purchase things that employees request but don’t necessarily need. It’s the same for customers. Early on, I remember thinking, "No problem, we can absorb this US$25,000 chargeback off the entire sale because we’ll get this incredible marketing and promotion. We’ll make it up in all of the future sales we’ll get." And then I was left with no profit, clambering to find money to pay the company’s obligations. Being ever-mindful of the financials makes all the difference in the world when faced with choices like that one.

When working with investors, be as clear as possible regarding how you plan to use the investment money before spending a dime. In fact, I recommend putting it in writing, with the understanding that the plan is a set of ideas and intentions, and not a strict contract (which should be handled separately, of course). The idea isn’t to nail you down, but to start these important relationships with as much mutual understanding and transparency as you can. Cultivating a climate of harmony with investors is itself an art, one from which every business owner would benefit.

Let mistakes lead to insights, not fits. It’s so easy to freak out in the moment when things go awry, even little things. But when you remain calm and absorb the hits as they come, you give yourself an opportunity to learn. I’ve stopped believing in the words “mistake” and “failure,” as people commonly use them. Obstacles and unexpected outcomes light the path to truth. Truth about your business and where to take it next, and truth about your strengths and where your energy is best focused.

Make room for yourself so you can get into “the zone.” The workday is packed with opportunities to self-distract and self-destruct. We all struggle with getting out of our own way. When you tune in, you can become aware of the ways you lose focus and prevent yourself from entering the zone. Change your work environment and work style to make it easier to operate distraction-free, even if it means leaving the office to get away from your team for a while. I can only go into the zone when I create the space for it. It’s a challenge, but the rewards are huge once I get there.

I could go on and on— about getting enough sleep, listening to your customers and the importance of meditation … about a million other things that occur to me every day. I’m still learning, that’s for sure. The lesson of the moment, however, is a big one: Learn to let go of those parts of the past that don’t serve you and move forward carrying all of your hard-won knowledge by your side.

Elizabeth Showers (pictured) is an EO Fort Worth member and founder of Elizabeth Showers Studio, a jewelry company centered on the mission of connecting every woman to the beauty she already possesses. Contact Elizabeth at ebeth@elizabethshowers.com.​​​​​​​​​​​

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