Embarc Collective Tampa Bay

Allie Felix

Email: Allie Felix

Website: https://www.embarccollective.com/

Embarc Collective helps Tampa Bay’s startup talent build bold, scalable, thriving companies. Our staff of executive advisors and function-specific experts deliver individualized support to startups inside of Embarc Collective’s state of the art, 32,000 square foot collaboration facility designed for a modern workforce, with collaboration and innovation in mind.

The startup hub features a variety of workspaces, state-of-the-art facilities designed for building and learning, and events spaces capable of hosting 250+ guests. Embarc Collective is one of the most robust entrepreneurial hubs in the country.

Contact: Allie Felix
Director of Platform

500 Montgomery Street, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States

Move the world forward with the world’s largest entrepreneur network.