Power Traction

Ron Harrell Phone: 864-616-6399

Email: ron@powertraction.com

Website: https://www.eosworldwide.com/ron-harrell/

Are you running your business or is your business running you? As a long-time Entrepreneur, that question is what sparked Ron to become an EOS, (Entrepreneurial Operating System), Professional Implementor and to run MyOffice on the EOS system. EOS is designed to help you get more out of your business and create better Vision, Traction and Health for you and the culture of your business.

Vision- Find your vision, define your company goals, and get all team members 100% on board.

Traction- Achieve your target goals by staying laser-focused. Instill discipline so everyone is accountable for their part of the plan.

Healthy- Promote a healthy environment so team members can work together synergistically as a cohesive team and to help you have a healthy relationship with your business.

Ron is a passionate entrepreneur, invested in helping others learn and grow in both their personal and professional lives. He has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years, in EO San Diego for 25+ years, and has spent the last 15 years doing deep personal development work. Becoming a Professional EOS Implementer has given him the ability to pull in all of that experience and use it when Teaching, Facilitating & Coaching his client's on their journey in implementing EOS into their businesses.

Quote at the bottom like on Sean’s example-

“EOS changed my life, my role in my business is more fun, easier and the company is more profitable. I love seeing that change happening for the companies I work with”

500 Montgomery Street, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States

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