EO Supports More Entrepreneurs Than Ever Before

27 April, 2009– Alexandria, Virginia, USA – The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is pleased to announce that the organization has achieved a membership milestone of 7,119 members worldwide – the highest number of members in its 22-year history. Demand for the connections and programs EO offers is strong, as the organization has brought in 142 more members than last year at the same time. 

“Given the state of the global economy and the fact that entrepreneurs are key players in driving economic turnaround, the value of EO membership is more tangible than ever,” said EO Global Chairman Dave Galbenski. “During these tough economic times, we entrepreneurs need a network of our peers and the global resources provided by EO to help support us and keep us pushing forward.”

Recently, EO conducted a Global Economic Forecast Survey providing an in-depth analysis of the most significant business issues for the 2009 calendar year.

While the nearly 900 survey participants mentioned concerns about rising costs and financing, they remain confident that entrepreneurship will help jumpstart the global economy. More than 80 percent of those surveyed believe that entrepreneurs will play a significant role in economic recovery. And, one in five entrepreneurs surveyed is more likely to start a business now than they were last year.

In the face of the global economic downturn, successful entrepreneurs are looking for a way to connect, network and build their businesses. The Entrepreneurs’ Organization is building the most influential community of entrepreneurs, offering highly valuable benefits exclusively to qualifying business owners.

For more information about EO membership, please visit www.eonetwork.org or call +1.703.519.6700.

500 Montgomery Street, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States

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