Did your business receive PPP? Congrats, you're likely eligible to
receive $26,000 per employee as a payroll tax rebate.
Refunds has helped 10,000+ companies obtain over $1 Billion in cash rebates. We
are a FinTech provider owned by banks that helps small and medium businesses
unlock Employee Retention Credit (ERC). ERC is a little-known payroll tax
rebate born out of the CARES act. If your business received PPP, you are
likely eligible to receive $26,000 per W2 employee as a payroll tax rebate.
and medium size businesses have historically shaped America’s economic
landscape. Our executive team has walked in your shoes as entrepreneurs.
"We know accounting and tax code." Our CPAs and attorneys are
world-class experts in tax code, compliance, and Employee Retention Credit. You
have put a lot of time, effort, and sweat equity into building your business
into what it is today. We not only respect that, we believe you are the
backbone of America’s economy, employment, and future economic growth.
EOLA and Accelerator Member Benefits:
~ All EO members are eligible for a
free ERC analysis. Our CPAs and Tax Attorneys will evaluate your
eligibility with no upfront cost.
~ EOLA will receive funding if you file
a refund with us at no cost to you.
Please use this link to see if you qualify:
FAQs: https://www.innovationrefunds.com/faq