Learn how our organization began and meet the leadership team working to support entrepreneurs.
Browse our suite of benefits designed to help entrepreneurs around the world grow.
Get matched with the perks and programs that align with where you are and where you're going.
Ayesha Zahid, Cell: 0321-4354185
Email: ayesha.zahid@superior.edu.pk
Website: http://www.superior.edu.pk
Facilities offered by Superior Group
Ø Media coverage support for member organization events.
Ø If you need market research, product research or research in any other areas their experts will facilitate.
Ø Superior Group provide subsidized healthcare facilities to members employees and to their family members at their hospital.
Ø Special fee scholarships for member employees and their children in Superior University annual programs and Schools.
Ø Superior trainers can help in capacity building of your staff by conducting diagnosis and imparting customized Trainings.
Ø Superior marketing and IT team can provide Marketing and IT Solutions for your organizations.
Media Support
o Un-match able guaranteed discount rates for NON-PBA direct clients.
o Worthy & up to 30% FOC value additions package for PBA affiliated clients against their any spent.
o FOC Value Addition contains Scrolls, Logo, I Band & Day Brandings.
o FOC sponsorships of highly rated programs.
o Available property sharing during campaign.
o Priority advertisement space with minimum drop page for perfect execution and results.
o FOC result oriented campaign planning.
Daily Nai Baat
o Un-match able guaranteed discounted rates for NON-APNS affiliated clients.
o On booking of 4 stations, DNB will provide 3 FOC stations for better nationwide coverage.
o FOC premium priority position allocation i.e. front or back page.
Move the world forward with the world’s largest entrepreneur network.